5 Foods You Must Never Feed Your Dog

Foods You Must Never Feed Your Dog

Dogs are our dearest friends and go everywhere with us. Since we spend so much time with our canine friends, it only makes sense that they should be allowed to join us for meals. However, even food types that are categorically safe for us can be detrimental to dogs. The fact that dogs are so much smaller than humans is one of the reasons we can eat foods they cannot. So get the information about what are the foods you must never feed your dog

Additionally, dogs weigh less compared to us. Thus it is the reason why their bodies absorb fewer substances quickly. Dogs’ ravenous appetites and erratic sense of self-control are other issues. Even though some foods are not poisonous in small amounts, eating more can be fatal. This article compiles foods and their harmful effects on your dogs.

  1. Citrus Oil

Citrus oil isn’t visible, but you can probably smell it because it’s concentrated on the fruit’s skin. You may notice its presence in several home items, including shampoos, pesticides, scents, and cleaners. Any of these products that your dog consumes could lead to severe issues. Although it is generally okay for dogs to eat oranges, citrus oils are not.

It is due to the oil’s insecticidal qualities, which can cause liver failure in dogs. In addition to keeping your dog from ingesting it, you should never apply it topically to their skin because they will likely lick it off. It is also vital to note that Citrus essential oils are not the only ones to contain citrus. Bergamot, lemongrass, citronella, and pummelos are other foods that contain citrus oil.

  1. Green Tomatoes

When fed in moderation, tomatoes are beneficial to your dog’s health. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Tomato pomace is an ingredient in some dog food products. It is also a good source of beneficial minerals and vitamins. As long as you remove the entire stem, dogs may normally eat tomatoes once it is red and ripe.

Green or unripe green tomatoes, however, can be poisonous to dogs. It is because of the chemical called Solanine that is present in the stems and leaves. The green sections of the tomato plant also contain tomatine, a very poisonous toxin to your dog. Veterinarians and pet experts from Petsolino recommend keeping your dogs outside if you have a tomato garden so they won’t gnaw on the green fruits or plants.

  1. Currants

Although true currants are not poisonous, many currants sold in the US, also known as Zante or Corinthian currants, are tiny raisins made from Corinth grapes. It has Xylitol which is the natural sugar found in fruits. These can potentially result in kidney failure and have the same toxic effects as regular grapes and raisins. This condition is also called grape toxicosis.

Vomiting, which typically appears 24 hours after ingestion and is the most prevalent early sign of grape or raisin toxicity, is one of the conditions. Within the next 12-24 hours, you may notice a lack of appetite, tiredness, and maybe diarrhea.

More severe symptoms don’t appear for 24 to 48 hours after ingesting the substance, frequently after acute kidney failure has already started. Your dog may display the following like anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, nausea, excessive thirst, and urine which are common symptoms of acute kidney failure.

  1. Fat Trimmings

Veterinarians caution against giving your dog the fat you’ve removed from the meat, even though it might seem harmless to do so. Raw fats and high-fat foods can make them throw up and have diarrhea. There is a chance that they could acquire blood infections or pancreatitis. Another point is that fat trimmings can also contain small splinters of bones that cause your dogs to choke or have internal lacerations in their digestive system.

  1. Iron Supplements

Iron-containing vitamins, especially prenatal supplements, typically have higher amounts than regular vitamins and can be toxic to dogs. Dogs lack a mechanism for excreting extra iron, which results in body buildup. Dogs eating oxygen absorbers can cause iron toxicity in addition to vitamins (those small silica packets found in things like dried fruits, beef jerky, and seaweed). The amount of iron varies depending on the supplement or product. After ingesting, the signs usually manifest around an hour to six.

Simple stomach discomfort experienced at lower doses typically goes away in six to twenty-four hours. The iron can accumulate in the liver with higher doses, and symptoms can last for days to weeks. You should visit a veterinarian if you think your pet consumed this supplement.

A specific iron chelator (binder) antidote aids in iron removal from the body. The first 24 hours could be the most productive for this. Vets can also check for iron levels via a blood sample to determine if the antidote is needed. Additionally, your pet might require stomach protectants and anti-vomiting medications.

What can be the common signs or symptoms if your dog ate something they are not supposed to?

The preliminary indications and symptoms of canine poisoning vary greatly, and it can depend on the substance ingested, but can you can divide it into the following groups:

  1. Swallowing poisons can result to symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, cardiac problems, and agitation.
  2. Irritation and pain are common symptoms if your dog comes into contact with a poisonous substance on its skin.
  3. Unconsciousness and difficulty in breathing may result from toxins inhaled by dogs.

It’s crucial to note that the symptoms of poisoning take approximately several days to manifest and, in extreme situations, could even take months.

Other visible signs may also include the following:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Bruising
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Lethargy
  • Nosebleeds
  • Inability to urinate
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Blood in the stool

First-Aid Tip You Can Do

You have to be ready for the veterinarian may advise you or ask you to make your dog puke. Inducing vomiting on your own is only sometimes the best option. Keep some 3% hydrogen peroxide on hand in case. Collect anything your dog has vomited or chewed, wrap it in a plastic bag or clean container, and bring it to the vet.

Wrapping Up

We can better support and safeguard our dogs’ well-being if we have a deeper understanding of them. Food poisoning can be the worst experience for your dog and you as a pet owner – especially because symptoms in dogs can be potentially life-threatening. However, if you know the toxic foods for dogs, try to keep those away.