Tricks at Home to Limit Your Pet Allergies

Even though the seasons come and go, allergies can be an issue all year round because of our pets. Like many, you may not want to admit that you’re allergic to your dog or cat, but it’s actually more common than you think. Pet dander, as well as other allergens like dust and pollen brought in on their coats, can leave many people with sensitive immune systems with a sneezing fit, a stuffy nose, or irritated eyes. Fortunately, there are some ways to limit those allergy symptoms so you can get on with playtime and get back to living more comfortably.

How to Limit Your Pet Allergies at Home

Keep pets out of bedrooms and off the couch. The first step is to reduce the amount of areas your pets go, which means, yes, you’ll have to find a way to keep your pets off the couch and out of the bedroom, though anyone with a cat or dog knows this is easier said than done. But since we humans spend most of our time there, it’s the best and quickest way to minimize allergies.

Clean, clean, clean. Here’s where the hard work comes, especially if you’re not already in the habit of doing a full sweep when it comes to cleaning your space as well as your pet’s space.

The carpets, their cages, beds, and your furniture are all places that consistently collect pet hair, which can hold onto allergens like dander, dust and pollen that will linger. Using lint rollers to get rid of stray hairs, as well as choosing a great vacuum for pet hair to properly clean your carpets and upholstery will ensure that there are less threats lying around your living room.

Care for your pets. In all the fuss tending to yourself, one can forget to look after their pets, too, as keeping them clean and groomed is another great way to limit pet allergies for yourself.

Make sure your pets are clean by giving them a frequent wash every now and then. And though cats often clean themselves, there are still specially-made products like waterless shampoo to keep them clean if you notice their coats look dirtier than usual.

Brushing your pets thoroughly is also great to get rid of stray hair that would otherwise shed and float about the room.

Watch for dust with air filters. If you own a cat, you know just how dusty a litter box can get when they’re using it, or when you’re cleaning it. Air filters are an amazing help for getting rid of allergens like these in the air, and should be used for at least four hours in order to properly ensure removal of airborne allergen particles.

For a more natural route, there are certain household plants such as indoor palms that can help purify your air and improve pet allergies by maintaining humidity levels which in turn helps to alleviate allergy symptoms.

Keep yourself protected. While following these tips, it’s important to keep yourself covered, like wearing a mask while cleaning to help further protect yourself from allergens. The same thing can apply to your clothes on a daily basis.

You can prepare yourself when spending an extended amount of time with your pets by wearing a different outfit, like a T-shirt or old gym clothes while you interact with them, then change your clothes once you’re finished.

You can also talk to your doctor about allergy medications you can take should you feel that you need it, or take over-the-counter medications for allergies. All in all, these tips combined will surely help to minimize any symptoms you might be feeling around your pets so you can return to easy living as soon as possible.


Resources— The Spruce Pets, AAFA, Architypes