Life is a remarkably interesting and multi-faceted thing that often requires fast decisions and responsibility on your part. You constantly face a choice and decide what to do next. Everything becomes even more complicated when you start sharing your life with another living being.
Fruitful communication is the key to peaceful cohabitation, understanding, and pleasure from interaction. This principle works for everyone and no matter whether you deal with a human being or a pet. Thus, when you decide to get a dog, you should learn its behavior patterns and find out what it tries to tell you.
If you want to raise a happy four-legged companion, it is not enough to examine Merrick dog food reviews, purchase expensive bedding or teach it commands. You should get off on the right foot and learn to listen to each other from the first meeting. If it is your first dog, you should know what your four-legged friend tries to tell you.
- It brings you things
Even if you are new to owning a pet, you can guess that your dog wants something from you when it brings you some stuff. In most cases, canines bring toys and offer their owners to play in such a way. It can be its favorite ball to throw, a stick, or even a piece of clothes suitable for tugging. Playtime is always a great idea, so your pet tries to involve you in the game, pushing the toy into your leg. At the same time, if it brings you something and drops it at your feet, it may mean that it wants to please you with a gift.
- It wags its tail
Many people are used to the fact that if a dog is actively wagging its tail, it means that it is happy to see you and doesn’t mind if you pet it. However, it is not the only thing your dog can tell you with its tail movement. You should learn its body language for proper communication. Thus, if your furry friend wags its tail slowly, it may mean that it is hesitant about something, while a stiff elevated tail means it is on the lookout. A low tail can inform you that the dog is calm, but it will tuck its tail when it is scared.
- It raises a paw
Most dog owners teach their favorites to raise a paw. It is one of the most common commands, even though it is of little practical value. Nonetheless, when your furry friend raises its paw without a command and touches you, it tells you that it wants your attention. It can do it when you are busy with something and pay no attention to your fluffy buddy. Puppies constantly paw the air when they need closer interaction. Of course, sometimes dogs choose the inappropriate moment and can smear your clothes with their dirty paws, but you should know that they don’t do it on purpose. And yes, you will hardly wean it off of this gesture.
- It leans against you
Petting your dog, you may notice that it starts leaning against you more and more. You may believe that your furry friend is fooling around, but it tries to cuddle with you in such a way. It demonstrates affection and complete trust, so it is important to reciprocate at this very moment. All the breeds do the same to communicate with their favorite humans, but you should examine your dog’s behavior patterns to understand its body language better.
- It starts whining
If you are a rookie, it can be hard at first to understand what your dog tries to tell you with its whining since they do it for various reasons. It can whine, asking you for something. For example, it can want you to open the door, play with it, or feed. Besides, your furry friend can be just excited about something or stressed. Suppose your dog lives outside, so you spend the night separately. It can start whining in the morning when it sees you for the first time since it has already missed you. Thus, you should pay attention to the environment and everything that happens at such a moment. If there is no clue, then your dog may suffer from physical discomfort. The more time you spend with your furry buddy, the better you will distinguish different types of whining.
- It barks at you
Some dogs bark at their owners to achieve the desired result. For example, a canine can bark when it wants a human to feed it, play, throw a stick or go outside for a walk. Thus, if the dog doesn’t show aggression, its barking represents a requirement. When you meet its demand after barking, it learns that this communication method is suitable to get what it wants, so it continues to use it at the slightest opportunity.
- It holds eye contact
Well, you will hardly make eye contact with someone who makes you feel unsafe or scared, and a dog does the same. When it looks into your eyes for a long time, it means that your furry buddy trusts and loves you. It is one of the most effective things to build up a strong bond with your four-legged friend. Scientists claim that when a dog looks at its favorite, its brain produces oxytocin.