What Vaccines do Dogs Need? Everything You Need to Know

Are you planning on getting a new dog for your household?

It takes a lot of work to adopt and care for a dog. One of your duties as a dog owner is to vaccinate your dog so it stays protected from common diseases and viruses. Now, you might wonder, what vaccines do dogs need in particular?

Look no further because we’ve got the dog vaccination guide for you. Keep reading to learn more about dog vaccination and tips on vaccinating your dog.

Why You Need to Vaccinate Your Dog

Whether we like it, dogs often become an important and beloved member of the household. For some, they become best friends for life. Other people may even see them as children to coddle and spoil.

Like humans, dogs are vulnerable to viruses and diseases. Unlike humans, however, dogs can’t tell you if they feel sick. If you’re not attuned to the feelings of your dog, you may never know it’s sick until it’s too late.

The goal is to protect your dog from fatal and contagious illnesses and viruses. This way, even if your pooch meets infected dogs, it has fewer chances of getting infected. Also, getting booster shots for dogs ensures your dog’s health as well as yours.

What Are the Common Dog Diseases and Viruses?

In this segment, we’ll discuss the various diseases your dog may contract if it doesn’t get vaccinated.

Serious Dog Diseases 

One of the most dangerous viruses that affect all dogs is the canine parvovirus or parvo. Parvo attacks the gastrointestinal system and can kill a dog within 48-72 hours. This virus is recognizable via bloody diarrhea, a loss of appetite, fever, and vomiting.

Rabies is a viral disease that’s dangerous for all mammals, including humans. It can get transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. Rabies can cause paralysis and even death if you don’t treat the infected dog within a few hours.

Canine adenovirus type 1 is the cause of canine hepatitis, which also damages a dog’s liver. Canines contract it through the feces and urine of dogs infected with adenovirus. If it doesn’t get treated, it can result in severe hemorrhage and death.

As for the adenovirus cough, dogs get either the adenovirus-1 or adenovirus-2 injection. Both protect your canine from adenovirus cough and hepatitis. The adenovirus-2 injection is the preferred vaccination.

Canine distemper is a contagious viral disease related to the virus that causes measles. It attacks your dog’s gastrointestinal, nervous, respiratory, and urogenital systems. There’s no known cure for canine distemper, but some dogs have a chance to recover from it.

Other Dog Diseases

The following are other common diseases and illnesses for dogs. The vaccines for these diseases count as non-core vaccinations.

These include:

  • Leptospirosis
  • Bordatella or kennel cough
  • Coronavirus
  • Parainfluenza or canine influenza
  • Lyme disease

Though they’re non-core diseases, this doesn’t mean they’re less fatal or serious than core diseases.

For example, Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by spirochete bacteria. The cases of insect-borne diseases tripled over a decade. Of the various diseases your dog can get from any insect, Lyme disease is the worst of your problems.

Unlike humans, dogs with Lyme disease don’t have the telltale symptom that is the bull’s eye rash. Instead, you may observe swollen lymph nodes and a limp. Other signs your pooch may have this disease is a lack of appetite and high body temperatures.

What Vaccines Do Dogs Need?

Now, you know the many illnesses that threaten your dog’s health. What vaccines do dogs need to help them avoid those diseases? Below are the two types of vaccinations for dogs.

Core Vaccinations

The first type is the core vaccines. These vaccines are mandatory for all dogs, according to local and countrywide laws.

It includes shots for canine distemper, parvo, canine hepatitis, parainfluenza, and coronavirus enteritis. Vets also refer to these core vaccines as the DHP parvo vaccine or booster in short. In most states, an anti-rabies shot is necessary for people who want to become pet-owners.

These vaccines aim to protect your dog and other animals from dangerous illnesses. They’re also there to protect you and other people from diseases like rabies. Check with your local laws for other vaccinations you may need to get for your dog.

Non-Core Vaccinations

In contrast to core vaccinations, non-core vaccinations aren’t mandatory for all dogs. In states where specific illnesses are rampant, your dog will need them. If you want, you can vaccinate your dog with non-core vaccinations anyway.

An example of a non-core vaccine is the Leptospirosis vaccination. It aims to prevent Leptospires from infecting your dog. It’s not common to vaccinate your dog for it unless your dog often goes swimming outdoors.

Read the common dog diseases and viruses above. If their vaccinations aren’t listed as a core vaccination, they’re non-core vaccinations. That includes vaccinations for canine influenza and bordetella or kennel cough.

Notes and Tips on Dog Vaccination

You won’t go to the hospital to get medicine for illnesses you’re not sure you have. In the same vein, you must always consult your vet before you vaccinate your dog.

The reason why non-core vaccines aren’t mandatory is that they can do more harm than good. All dogs are different and have different needs. Non-core vaccines may benefit certain breeds while it may be detrimental to others.

Also, the breed isn’t the only factor your vet will consider if you want to get non-core vaccines for your dog. You must also consider your dog’s age, size, allergies, and medical history. The number of shots and overall health of your canine will also influence this decision.

Remember, core and non-core vaccines need to get injected at specified times in a dog’s life. You can’t have your puppy take all its shots at one time. Your vet will inform you which shots your dog needs and how often your dog needs to get them.

Keep Your Dog Free of Common Diseases

What vaccines do dogs need? We hope we provided the answers you seek and then some.

Now, you have basic knowledge of the vaccines your dog will need. As cherished members of any family, you must keep your dog healthy too. Vaccinating your dog is a part of your obligation as a dog owner.

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