Fish Food: A Handy Guide on Which Food to Feed Certain Fish


You are the proud new parent of a fish. It can be rough waters out there trying to decide what to feed fish. After all, there’s so many different species. Take a deep breath.

Get ready to delve into the great unknown!

Here is a handy guide on which food for fish at home is best, broken down into three simple categories.

  1. Herbivores

As an herbivore, what do fish eat?

You guessed it. Plants!

You manybe familiar with some fish who have an herbivore diet if you have ever seen Finding Nemo. I’m talking about our Nemo’s, Dory’s, and Gill’s.

Most reef fishes are herbivores such as:

  • Clownfish
  • Blue Tang
  • Moorish Idol

It can be challenging to decide what do tropical fish eat. But one thing is for sure – macroalgae is a must.

This can provide both shelter and food for your new fish friend. Not to mention it’s also a natural filtration system. For these vegetarians, it’s also really important to use dry fish food that is high in fiber. Low fiber diets can cause bloating in your fish.

Herbivorous fish like to graze, so they may continue eating throughout the day!

  1. Carnivores


Duunnndunnn… duuuunnnnduun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dundundundun!

Okay, you caught me. Not all carnivorous fish are sharks like Jaws. In fact, many are very small such as:

  • Beta
  • Discus
  • Pea Puffer

What do smaller fish eat? Despite size, carnivores are meat-eaters. Some fish food favorites include shrimp, bloodworms, prawn, mosquito larvae, and plankton. Be sure to avoid beef.

Fish food is not one-size-fits-all. Some carnivores prefer live food to frozen food and visa versa. (And some like a mixture of both!)


Some carnivorous fish have more specific care needs but if you do your research, even first-time owners can provide the best care out there.

  1. Omnivores

The majority of aquarium fish are omnivores such as:

  • Oscar
  • Cichlid
  • Angelfish

An omnivore will eat both plants and animals, just like most people! Omnivorous fish will eat a combination of dry food, frozen food, live food, and greens depending on the species.

Choose a variety of food that is rich with nutrition. Some foods float, take time to sink, or fall to the bottom of the aquarium immediately. Remember to choose a combination of these foods.

Remove or replace uneaten food within 24 hours!

Some Fish Food Reminders

It is very easy to overfeed your fish.

This causes access waste in your fish’s home, which can increase the ammonia and nitrite levels in the aquarium. If you find lots of leftovers in your tank, that could be a sign you are feeding your fish too much.

Don’t forget!

Every fish is different and each individual’s fish food needs will be too. Take time to do research and talk to your fish supplier to get all the information you can on your new fish friend.

You’ve got this!