A seizure is a frightening experience that can affect both humans and dogs. And if you witness your furry friend going through such a traumatic experience, you couldn’t help but panic at that very moment. Seizures can occur out of nowhere, characterized by twitching, whining, having a dazed appearance, staring, heavy breathing, unusual rapid eye movements or jerkiness. These seizures can also be drastically severe, when can result in uncontrollable tremors, fits and also a loss of consciousness.
Causes of Seizures
Seizures are usually caused when the neurons in the brain fire abnormally. And when you witness your dog having seizures, mild or severe, visit your veterinarian to determine the cause.
But if you’re looking for a natural treatment, then we recommend CBD oil. Visit this Houseofcoco page and gather information before you start using it for your pets.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD stands for cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive component of cannabis Sativa plant, and has been proven to have anticonvulsant properties. It’s extracted from industrial hemp (not marijuana) that is legal in virtually every state, doesn’t make animals high and has no known side-effects. If you want more information about CBD, check here.
How Does CBD Reduce Seizures?
Every mammal has an endocannabinoid system, a network of several receptors that regulates body functions. Endocannabinoids work on harmony at the demand of the body to maintain homeostasis. When a condition like epilepsy interferes with homeostasis, the internal mechanisms fall behind the needs of the body. But supplementing this with the phytocannabinoids that’s in hemp can restore balance in the body.
There are two types of endocannabinoid receptors in the body, including; CB1 receptors, which are found in the brain, glands, organs, and nervous system; and CB2 receptors that exist mostly in the immune system’s regulatory cells. Even though CBD supplements benefit both types, the ability to control seizures and calm overactive neurons from the interactions with CB1 receptors. When the nervous system has been hit by an injury or an illness, CBD supplements can restore homeostasis.
How Effective is CBD in Treating Dog Seizures?
There have been several encouraging endorsements and testimonials from pet parents who claim that CBD has helped their dogs overcome seizures, especially in cases where traditional medications could not help. Regular usage of CBD has led to the reduction of both the frequency and severity of seizures.
How to Treat Dog Seizures With CBD
To reduce the severity and frequency of seizures, you need to give regular doses of CBD to your dog. The best results can be achieved with two doses a day. However, the number of doses vary from one situation to the other, so it typically falls on experimentation to determine the right amount, and how often you should give CBD to your dog. Just bear in mind that you cannot overdose even though there is no toxicity with CBD.
CBD products for dogs are available in many forms. A dropper bottle can be used to give extracts directly into the mouth, dropped from a treat, added to food, dropped into an animal’s paw so it can be licked off, rubbed into bare skin or inside the ears. It’s also possible to use hemp CBD capsules, CBD biscuits, topical hemp CBD ointments, and honey with CBD. Above all, make sure the CBD product that you use is lab-tested to give your furry friend the best chance for recovery.
If you don’t know where to start, visit petcbdcompany today